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Grantee Spotlight: Hudson Link

Hudson Link Blog

At Bob Barker Company, we are committed to improving the lives of those not only currently incarcerated, but those who have been released. Our mission to transform individuals extends through the Bob Barker Foundation by supporting educational opportunities and reentry initiatives just like Hudson Link. This partnership emphasizes a shared vision: to provide equal opportunities that pave the way for brighter futures. Through grants and support, the Bob Barker Foundation assists Hudson Link in expanding their reach and enhancing programs, ensuring more incarcerated individuals have access to life-changing education.


Hudson Link is a non-profit organization dedicated to offering college education within New York State correctional facilities. Founded in 1998 by a group of individuals committed to breaking the cycle of incarceration, Hudson Link began with a small program offering just a few college courses. Since then, it has grown exponentially, expanding its reach and impact across multiple correctional facilities. The growth of this organization over the years reflects an unwavering commitment to the belief that education is a powerful tool for transformation and societal change.


At its core, Hudson Link provides incarcerated individuals with access to college-level education, allowing them to earn degrees while serving their sentences. This transformative approach not only equips students with valuable academic credentials but also instills hope, confidence, and a sense of purpose. By fostering a culture of learning and personal growth within correctional facilities, Hudson Link aims to reduce recidivism rates and empower individuals to build successful lives when reentering society. The success stories of Hudson Link graduates speak to the program's efficacy in breaking down barriers and opening doors to new opportunities.


Hudson Link stands as a beacon of hope and opportunity in the world of criminal justice reform. By partnering with organizations like the Bob Barker Foundation, Hudson Link can continue to expand their reach and impact, offering a pathway to education and life altering opportunities. Through their admirable efforts, Hudson Link not only changes lives but also reshapes communities by promoting education as a fundamental tool for rehabilitation. Hudson Link's dedication to expanding educational access and creating positive change remains unwavering, setting a powerful example for others in the field of criminal justice reform.