Culture Series: Blood Connection
Bob Barker Company recently hosted a blood drive in partnership with The Blood Connection. The Blood Connection serves North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia by collecting blood for cancer patients, burn victims, trauma cases, surgical procedures, and other life-saving measures.
We had a great turnout for the blood drive and we're happy to be able to give back to the community in such a meaningful way. In fact, up to three lives can be saved each time you donate blood. We're thankful for all 41Team Members who participated in our blood drive.
According to The Red Cross, someone in the U.S. needs blood every 2 seconds, meaning about 29,000 units of red blood cells are required each day. What makes donating so important is that blood cannot be manufactured. There is no substitute for donating blood or platelets, which can only come from donors. Right now, the U.S. is in the midst of a national blood shortage and donors are needed everywhere.
To learn more about scheduling The Blood Connection at business or community event, visit, and to learn more facts about donating blood, visit

Bob hopping on the Blood Connection Bus!

More Team Members graciously donating blood.

Thank you for donating, Bob!